Professor Peter Reddaway, 18 September 1939 – 29 July 2024

Peter Reddaway, a British-American historian and political scientist and Professor of Political Science at the George Washington University, was a member of the Estonian International Commission for Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity, founded by President Lennart Meri, from 1999–2008. Reddaway studied at Cambridge University, Harvard University, the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as the Moscow State University. He was known primarily for his study of the Soviet dissident movement, and his notable books cover the abuse of psychiatry against dissidents in the Soviet Union. Reddaway’s final book The Dissidents: A Memoir was published in 2020.

His grandfather William Reddaway was a History Professor and Director of Scandinavian Studies at Cambridge University, and was elected Honorary Doctor of Tartu University in 1932.

The Estonian Institute of Historical Memory commemorates a good friend of Estonia and expresses condolences to Peter Reddaway’s family.

Image source: Peter Reddaway