28–31 July 2025. Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia

The Estonian Institute of Historical Memory provides a selected group of highly motivated students and early-stage researchers (History, Law, Political Science) as well as practitioners (employees of memory institutions, think tanks, etc.) with an overview of its research topics and activities, the 20th century history of Estonia (to certain extent also Latvia and Lithuania), and research opportunities at other institutions (e.g. the National Archives of Estonia).

This year’s Summer School has two main goals. First, to provide the participants with perspectives on the interwar period, World War II, the Soviet and German occupations, crimes against humanity committed by these regimes, the Soviet political and legal system, historical memory from the point of view of Estonia. Second, to offer the participants an insight into archival and other sources available in Estonia that could enrich ongoing research projects as well as help formulate future research questions.

Working language is English.

Participants are expected to arrive on 27 July and leave on 1 August.


MA and PhD students, early-stage researchers as well as practitioners (MA or PhD decree). BA students with remarkable achievements that are reflected in their CV are also encouraged to apply.


Accommodation (27 July – 1 August) and meals are provided by the Institute. Participants are responsible for covering their travel expenses.


A CV and a motivation letter (max. 600 words) in English are required. Please send the documents to: elmar.gams@mnemosyne.ee

The selected participants will be notified of their admission in the first half of April.

Submission deadline is 31 March 2025 at 23:59 EET.