Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

Since 1998, the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory and its predecessor have been investigating international crimes and human rights abuses committed by totalitarian regimes in Estonia, as well as the ideologies that have given rise to such regimes. With its research results and awareness-raising activities, the Institute helps to take a stance against such regimes also in the 21st century.


Meelis Maripuu (PhD)
Board Member

Martin Andreller
Board Member

Toomas Hiio
Research Director

Meelis Saueauk (PhD)
Senior Researcher

Peeter Kaasik (PhD)
Senior Researcher

Olev Liivik (PhD)
Senior Researcher

Elmar Gams
Kogu Me Lugu Manager

Aivar Niglas

Hiljar Tammela

Marju Meschin
Researcher-Project Manager

Solveig Jahnke
Head of Communications
tel 56264949

Allar Tui
Communications Specialist

Ann Heinsalu
Data Administrator

Heldin Allik
Data Administrator

Ülle Kraft
Data Analyst

Marko Poolamets
Audiovisual Media and Marketing

Members of the Council

Siim Raie
Chairman of the Council

Meelis Niinepuu
Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

Aet Kukk
CEO of the Estonian Institute of Human Rights, Co-Founder of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

Lauri Mälksoo
Lawyer, Professor of International Law at the University of Tartu, Co-Founder of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

Raul Rebane
Journalist, Communication Consultant

Tõnu-Andrus Tannberg
Historian, Professor of Estonian History at the University of Tartu, Co-Founder of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

Tõnis Saar
Secretary General of the Estonian Ministry of Justice

Learned Committee

Founder of the Institute:

Toomas Hendrik Ilves
President of the Republic of Estonia in 2006–2016


Enrique Barón Crespo (Spain)
Researcher of law and economics, and former President of the European Parliament from 1989-1992


Timothy Garton Ash (United Kingdom)
Professor of European Studies at Oxford University, Leading Researcher of Isaiah Berlin Lectorate of St. Anthony College of Oxford University and Senior Rerseacher of Hoover’s Institute of Stanford University

Kristian Gerner (Sweden)
Professor Emeritus of Lund University, historian

Paavo Keisalo (Finland)
Retired diplomat, acting assistant of Minister Max Jakobson in 1999–2009, while he was discharging the functions of the Head of Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity

Nicholas Lane (United States of America)
Former Vice President of American Jewish Committee and Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Relations, member of the Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity in 1999–2009

Lasse Lehtinen (Finland)
Writer, member of the European Parliament in 2004–2009

Markus Meckel (Germany)
Religious scientist and politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former German Democratic Republic from April to August 1990, member of the German Bundestag in 1990–2009 former freedom fighter, and the first and final democratic

Norman M. Naimark (United States of America)
Robert and Florence McDonnell Professor in East European Studies at Standford University

Yakov M. Rabkin (Canada)
Professor of History at Montreal University

Pavel Žáček (Czech Republic)
Social scientist, Director of the Institute for the Investigation of Totalitarian Regimes 2008-2010

Logo of the Institute

The logo of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory can be downloaded here.